Hong Kong: Decades of Partnership to Reach China

This week, our Guidelines team went to Hong Kong. We hosted seminars and celebrated with our ministry partner, Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC), on their 60th anniversary in Hong Kong.

Mr. Raymond Lo, Executive Director of FEBC Hong Kong; Ms. Stella Chow, Director of China Alliance Press; Bonnie Sala, President of Guidelines; Dr. Harold Sala, Founder of Guidelines.

A Long History Together

In 1949, China became a communist country and closed its doors to the world. In the following decades, anything considered foreign was banned, including Christianity.

During this period, FEBC continued to broadcast the Gospel into China, along with devotionals from Guidelines. Since the country was closed, no one knew if there was any impact, but we trusted God to work in the darkness.

But when the country opened up in the 1980’s, we were flooded with letters from listeners in China saying that they were listening to our programs on radio the whole time!

While the Chinese government tried to contain Christianity, God was secretly growing His church underground. Today, we work with FEBC in Hong Kong to continue broadcasting our devotionals into China by internet streaming and shortwave radio, along with internet streaming. Our books are also translated and published by China Alliance Press and used as ministry tools to help pastors and young churches grow in their faith.

Teaching & Training

During our week in Hong Kong, we also held conferences and seminars teaching on the Holy Spirit, encouragement for women,  marriage and parenting. These events help equip Christians and church leaders to engage with their culture.

Please join us in praying for FEBC Hong Kong.  Conditions for Christians in many parts of Mainland China have worsened dramatically in the past few months.

Children are not allowed to go to any type of religious services.  FEBC online radio broadcasts and online interaction with listeners are a spiritual lifeline for believers and may be the only way many will ever hear of hope in Christ.

Most listeners are young adults in their 20s.  Pray for strength, wisdom and boldness for our FEBC brothers and sisters!


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