Why Jesus Called Men

Date: April 30, 2015

Bible Text: Matthew 4:19 | Speaker: Dr. Harold J. Sala | Series: Guidelines For Living | “Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”  Matthew 4:19

As the morning light pierced the eastern sky over the little village of Bethsaida at the northern end of Galilee, two brothers arose from their pallets, ate a light breakfast—probably fish and bread—and headed for the boats.  We know them as Peter and Andrew, and if this sleepy pair thought, “Another day fishing!”, little did they know how the events of that particular day were going to forever change the direction of their life.

They had no sooner thrown their net into the water when a stranger, dressed in a seamless Galilean robe, walked by. He saw the two brothers and said, “Follow me!” It was both an invitation and a command.  They knew that this one who summoned them was an itinerant rabbi who had been visiting synagogues in Galilee and who also stirred up considerable controversy.

But when Jesus called these two, there was an immediate connection, and they walked away from their nets to follow Him. Later that morning Jesus recruited another set of brothers, James and John, from the same village, in all probability acquaintances if not friends of Peter and Andrew.

But what was it that was so compelling? The tone of His voice? His eyes which could reflect the kindness that caused a child to respond or flash fire that caused others to cringe? Was it His compelling personality?  Or was there something, perhaps deep in their hearts, that made them ponder the possibility that this was the Messiah who would throw off the tyranny of Rome?

Notice, if you would, that five men are involved in this drama which took place on the shores of Galilee long ago—Jesus, and two sets of brothers: Peter and Andrew, and James and John. In the months that followed, Jesus recruited another eight men to be part of that executive committee, that inner circle of ordinary men, following an extraordinary person. We call them Apostles.

Observe that there was not a woman among them. Does that seem strange?  For a few moments focus with me on what makes you either masculine or feminine.  About six weeks following conception the hypothalamus gland in your brain kicks into gear and sends signals to your body which says, “Turn the testosterone loose.”  “Or open the faucet on estrogen,” and whichever hormone it is makes you completely masculine or feminine.

Scientists in the laboratory have discovered that there are basic differences between the brains of males and females, and it is your brain that determines how you think, and how you think determines how you act.  It’s been interesting to note that at the very time feminists have been trying to wipe out sexual differences, scientists have been discovering how different we really are.

Men are aggressive by nature; women are nurturing or compliant. Neither is better than the other, just different.  It was God’s purpose for a husband and wife to come together and become one flesh, yet, as Zig Zigler points out, “You can’t have a parade of two cars until you decide which one will lead the parade.”

When men follow in the footsteps of Him who beckoned the four fishermen brothers, women will walk hand in hand with them, side by side, and they won’t have to worry about the next generation. They will follow in their footsteps.

The reality is that the words of Jesus continue to echo through the corridors of time, and He still summons men to follow Him.  Why follow Him?  Simple!  When you follow, you get to know Him, and when you know Him, you will love Him, and when you love Him, you obey him, and that includes leading your family and loving your wife as He loved the church.  That’s enough love to satisfy any woman.  Think about it.

Resource reading: Matthew 4:18-22