Follow Me

Date: November 16, 2015

Bible Text: John 21 | Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | I love the story of the conversation between Simon Peter and Jesus after the resurrection. It took place on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Peter and Jesus had some unfinished business. You, no doubt, remember the background. Before Jesus was crucified, Peter had denied Him three times.

But now Jesus turns to Peter and asks, “Simon, do you love Me?” Peter answers, “Yes, Lord, You know that I love You.” Jesus asks the question three times. Could that not be a reference to the three times Peter had denied the Lord? I think so. Then Jesus tells Peter ahead of time that when he is old he will glorify God by being executed—tradition says by crucifixion. Jesus then adds a command, “Follow Me!” (John 21).

You can always count on Peter to ask the questions you would have liked to ask if you had the nerve. Peter sees his fellow-disciple John, and asks, “Lord, what about him?” Don’t you love his audacity? It’s as if he is saying, “Lord, is he going to have to suffer as much as I will suffer?” In our day we compare ourselves with other Christians and ask, “Why do I have so many more problems than she has?” “Why is life so much harder for me than for him?”

Jesus answers, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” Jesus would say the same thing to us today. God does not have a cookie-cutter life for you. Your experience with God is custom-designed. Your job and my job is simply to follow the Lord wherever He leads us. Hey, that’s exciting! I don’t have to fill anyone else’s shoes—my job is to follow the Lord in the path He leads me.

Thank God for His custom-designed plan for you! Then simply follow Him one day at a time. Who knows how He will use your life to bless others!