Here Is the Way To A Clean, Free Life

Date: April 15, 2021

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. 1 John 1:9 NLT

When Hollywood makes a movie, there’s a lot of work that has to take place before the cameras roll.  Lighting has to be set up, the action in the scene has to be mapped out and cameras set up, so the shots will be perfect.  People called “stand-ins” are used on set in place of stars during this prep work. The expensive movie stars show up for the action!  A stand-in is simply a substitute for the actor who will do the real job.

The priests in the Old Testament of the Bible were somewhat like these stand-ins.  Day after day, they offered substitute sacrifices for the sin of the people as they waited for a promised Savior who would do the real work of forgiveness.  He wouldn’t provide a substitute for sin but would provide the satisfaction of the sin debt, perfectly and completely. The priests’ sacrifices covered up sin, but Jesus paid this debt, once, for all time and for all people.

What does it mean to me, that the penalty for my sin has been satisfied?  It means, that when I own failed attempts at holiness, I own my desperate selfishness, my pride, and hand it over in confession to Jesus, shame is banished. Because He willingly died, and was resurrected, I am forgiven as if I had never sinned.  I am clean and free–and you can be too. Exchange your own efforts for the new way of life Jesus offers today.

Resource reading: Hebrews 7:23-28