No Marriage in Heaven?

Date: March 21, 2016

Bible Text: Matthew 22:30 | Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | One day a group of men came to Jesus with a question. They wanted to know if a woman had been married seven times, outliving each of her husbands—and then she too died, “At the resurrection, whose wife will she be?”

Those of us who are blessed with good marriages have sometimes been troubled by Jesus’ reply, when He said, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven” (Matthew 22:30).

Now, I understand Jesus meant that people won’t continue to get married after the resurrection. But does that also mean I won’t feel close to my husband in Heaven? God chose to use marriage, the very closest of all earthly relationships, as the picture of His relationship with the Church—that is, all of us who are believers. I hardly think He would then just say “poof” in Heaven and the closeness would be dissolved.

I’m wondering if in Heaven we’ll have a closeness to everyone that will be akin to the best marriage relationship on earth—closeness to one another and to the Lord, something we couldn’t understand here, so Jesus didn’t elaborate on it. Perhaps, too, Jesus meant to encourage those who in this life have had bad marriages or multiple marriages that it won’t be a problem in Heaven.

The whole question reminds me of the twin babies in the womb who kept talking about how they didn’t want to be born—you know, leave the comforts of the womb, where they were warm, well fed, and close to their mother. Of course, they had no idea of the wonders of the world they were about to enter.

We feel like that sometimes when we think about leaving this life for heaven. I’m sure God doesn’t tell us more because, like unborn children, we just couldn’t understand. But I’m sure that life with Him for all eternity will be more wonderful than anything we can imagine!