The Gospel is For All

The past 3 years God has challenged us to dream bigger. We hoped that we could complete 3 new devotional translation projects. God brought the funds for us to complete 10 new translation projects. God’s passionate about reaching every man, woman, and child with the Good News and to do it, He’ll move hearts, work miracles, and provide more than we can ask or imagine. See what He’s done through you already!


But there’s still much to do. You have a part to play in reaching the 3.2 billion people who still have no way of hearing who Jesus is.

Goal 1

Expand Guidelines’ listening audience through new networks:
New broadcast networks include Your Network of Praise, New Life Africa Satellite Network, Moody Radio, Kinship Radio, Life Changing Radio, Word Radio, and Voice of Hope.

Goal 2

Launch Reset with Bonnie Sala, through network partners:
Reset is heard on the above networks in addition to FEBC Ukraine/Russia and Media 7 Albania,, and

Goal 4

Help support radio partners broadcasting through

Community Radio Projects: Purchased land for radio tower and House of Prayer in Turkey, Helped plant station in North Cyprus.

Goal 3

Translate devotionals into languages spoken by the unreached:
New languages include Syriac, Thai, French for Quebec, French for West Africa, Dari and Nepalese. We also
Translated Reset into Swahili, Ukrainian and Russian

Goal 5
Seek funding to support growth and current ministry: Our growth goals have been met but ongoing program and operational goals are still in need of funding.

Dream Bigger, Give Joyfully

Jesus is worthy. Let’s celebrate extravagant, joyful, and fearless generosity! People are giving more than ever before because God is moving their hearts to help bring the message of Jesus to the unreached. Now it’s your turn. Hear Karen’s challenge to join her in giving as we raise $100k to bring the gospel to countries, communities, and homes, where it has not been heard.

How You Can Help


Join the movement praying that the message of Jesus will spread rapidly and transform hearts (2 Thessalonians 3:1)! Pray for open doors for radio partnerships in unreached nations, allowing every tribe and every person to hear the Good News.


Lift your voice and spread the word, inviting others to give and pray. Share the $100k challenge and your reason for giving.

Looking for other giving options?
Call Christi at 949.582.5001


Any amount you feel led to give will go a long way toward bringing Jesus’s love to those who have never heard. Just $40 pays for a solar-powered radio with a Bible translation and teaching! Whether it’s $10 or $100,000, give joyfully!

Who We Serve

New Believer

Our devotionals use short, simple, and practical biblical teaching to disciple new believers as they seek to follow Jesus, often while lacking the support of a mature local church.

The Persecuted

We encourage, comfort, and strengthen persecuted believers through prayer, partner support, and devotionals, aware of the unique challenges they face.

The Unreached

We translate devotionals into the languages of unreached people groups to reach the 3.2 billion people who have yet to hear the message of Jesus.


Guidelines devotionals are broadcast in 25 languages, reaching people in more than 145 countries worldwide.

We also partner financially to help fund the establishment of Christian radio stations, distribute solar radios and audio Bibles and support pioneering media ministries in places of gospel poverty.