Seeing As God Sees: How a Simple Act Sparked a Miracle

Date: December 18, 2024

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36


Could God ever work a miracle through you?


Kaye loves working in the garden in front of her home. She noticed a young man who walked by every day, earphones on, head down. “I’m going to get that kid to talk to me!” Kaye thought.

One day, Kaye pretended to take headphones off of her own head and looked at him with a smile, “Every day you walk by here, but you don’t see anything. Some of us would like to know you,” she said. “I’m walking to the grocery store where I collect shopping carts. I like to play my music,” he told her. As Kaye greeted him day after day, she realized that he might be on the autism spectrum.

Weeks went by and a man and a woman who lived up the street stopped to chat with Kaye in her yard. Kaye hadn’t met them but felt prompted to ask, “Do you have a son who walks by my house? I talk to him all the time.” Stunned, the couple said, “Yes, but he is autistic! He never talks to anyone! How did you get him to talk to you? We’ve been praying that he’d learn to communicate. We can’t believe this; this is a miracle!”

The fact is, hurting, needy, confused, fearful and broken people are all around—and that includes us. When Jesus sees us, He has compassion on us like Kaye had for that young man. Scripture says, “When [Jesus] saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).

God uses us to work miracles when we offer our eyes to see people around us as He sees them and when we offer our mouths to speak His love.

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