Chosen and Known: Your New Name is Waiting
I have called you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1b
His parents couldn’t agree on a name for him when he was born. And so, they flipped a coin.
Matteo’s mother loved that the name Matteo meant God’s gift. She wanted him to know He was a gift after years of prayer and longing. Mom won that coin toss … and Matteo it was. A name can carry great significance. They signify what’s special about us as individuals, but they can also indicate relationship.
The Bible shows us that God is very much into names. He sent an angel to a young woman named Mary, to let her know that the baby that would grow within her should be named Jesus. That name meant “savior,” because Jesus would save people from their sins (Luke 1:30-31).
Did you know that God also has a name that He wants to give you? He says, “I have called you by name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1b). He created you to belong to Him, to have life-giving relationship with Himself through Jesus. No matter what family you were born into, God wants you in His family—the family of those who have accepted His gift of forgiveness and invited Him to direct their lives. To those who follow faithfully, God says, “And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.” (Revelation 2:17).
One writer and theologian pointed out, “To be called by name is the privilege of belonging to Christ … it is the Lord’s personal word to us, declaring both that we are chosen and that we are known.”[1] The gift of forgiveness, acceptance into God’s family and your new name is prepared for you today. Simply ask for it.
[1] Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. “The Day With Others.” Life Together, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2015, p. 51.