The Risk of Losing Everything

There are very few things in life that cost us everything. And even fewer that are worth it. But knowing Jesus IS to know life and life abundant, making it worth absolutely anything and everything. 

“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ…” Philippians 3:8

We see this today in the testimonies of Muslim background believers who are risking the loss of every other relationship and possession, even their very lives, for the sake of knowing Jesus. Perhaps even more astounding is the joy in their lives despite these losses. With a resounding voice, they declare, “Jesus is worthy of it all!” 

This is why Jesus came.  

One of our partners, an Egyptian believer named Ahmed, is one such Muslim background believer. His wife and children left him because of his decision to follow Christ. His family killed his sister for trying to smuggle him out of the family home, and he escaped only after being severely beaten. Today, he continues to boldly share the good news of Jesus’s love and forgiveness, both to his family and all of Egypt that will listen. 

He told us:

“I kept getting arrested and held overnight—more than 150 times. All night long, my jailers would ask about Christ and Islam, and I would tell them my testimony. Because it happened so frequently, I lost my fear and got used to it. [Ahmed does not mention that he was beaten each time he was arrested] Some of my jailers came to Christ, and now I have friends in places I never expected. We study the Bible together and talk regularly.”

When Ahmed returned to his family to tell them about Jesus, his brother responded: “Why did you do this to yourself? To us?”

Ahmed shares:

“As we talked, my brother said, “Don’t you know that I can kill you now?” I said, “You can kill me, but I will be free from fear.” My brother said, “I will ask you one request: go to the main mosque and confess you were misguided and renounce Christ.” I told him I could not do that—that Christ is not like Islam, where you can claim something false to escape.”

In awe of Ahmed’s courage and the worth of Jesus, his brother responded: “Thank you for not doing what I told you to do!” Hungry to know more, Ahmed’s brother then asked to stay in contact.

Ahmed continues to shout the good news from the rooftops with joy and freedom no one can take from him.

“I do not debate with people anymore as I would have as a student of Islam. Now I pray for the Lord to give me a key to share rather than trying to think of what ideology I can argue. The God who lives inside of me can meet ALL of them!”

When meeting with Muslim family members hungry for Jesus but afraid to risk everything, Ahmed trusts that they too will discover the incomparable worth of Jesus: “My nephew said, “I can’t make this decision! I will lose my land, my family, my work.” I told him that at the right time, God will enable you to do it.”

Ahmed is confident that others will discover for themselves the incomparable joy of knowing Jesus. Other Muslim background believers are sharing similar testimonies today! While facing unique challenges and persecution, the message from all Muslim background believers is the same: Jesus is worthy! Nothing in life compares to His love filling our hearts.

This is why we take this message to every tribe, in every language. This is why we go after the regions considered unreached by the Good News of Jesus! You can help translate the love and hope of Jesus into 12 languages reaching the Muslim world by giving a financial gift.

Our devotionals are short, simple, and answer real-world questions people are asking not only about Jesus but about pain and purpose. They engage daily with listeners, allowing them to come on a journey discovering who Jesus is, what He offers all of us, and how to walk out our faith. 

The harvest is plentiful! 

You play an integral role in taking this message to the 3.2 billion people who have never heard, most of whom are in Muslim nations. Currently, there is no way for most of these people to hear who Jesus is. You can partner with pioneering missionaries and Muslim background believers, boldly bringing the Gospel to places without access. By investing in the creation of translated resources that evangelize, disciple, and encourage persecuted believers, you can bring the message of Jesus’s love where it has never been shared before. 

Jesus is worthy!

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