Fully Human

Date: April 28, 2015

Bible Text: Psalm 139:13 | Speaker: Dr. Harold J. Sala | Series: Guidelines For Living | For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  Psalm 139:13

Question: What does it mean to be human, and at what point does someone become fully human, fully alive, and fully valuable?  Then at the other end of the spectrum, when does someone cease to be fully human, fully alive, fully valuable?  Perhaps you are thinking, “That’s a philosophical question—one that has little practical merit!”

The bottom line is that this very issue has become more important year by year as scientists delve into the mystery of life, and, as the result of biotechnology, are able to create life in the laboratory—something which was only science fiction to our parents’ generation.

Following the death of America’s fortieth president, Ronald Wilson Reagan, whose last decade was lived in the darkness of Alzheimer’s disease, a nether world of those who seemingly exist in a human body without benefit of their humanity, many touted the possible benefit of stem cell research, not understanding what stem cell research is.

Simply put, stem cell research demands that thousands of embryos be fertilized in a laboratory for the sole purpose of experimentation. When essentially the same thing takes place on a smaller scale in a woman’s body, we say she is expecting a child.  When it takes place in a Petri dish in a laboratory, we label it “research”; however, what most folks don’t understand is that the thousands of fertilized embryos will be destroyed after a certain period of time and the substance used for experimentation.

For a moment, let’s trace the onset of life in an attempt to understand when a person should be recognized as being human, or a human be recognized as a person.   Following conception, when a single cell begins life, the number of cells begins to multiply.  Seven days later there are over 100 cells. Within seven days, this developing person, known as a zygote in medical terminology, attaches itself to the security of a mother’s womb, where it stays for the next nine months.

Within 17 days, a spine is formed. Within 21 days a tiny heart begins to beat. By 28 days, this little person has a kidney, and a liver, and the first month ends with a tiny but fully formed human being.

No, the little person who is growing doesn’t have the capacity to perform in a normal world, but neither does the mother who lies comatose in a hospital bed, the result of injuries she sustained in childbirth, or the grandfather who, like Ronald Reagan, lies in a hospital bed with Alzheimer’s disease. So are we to say that somewhere between conception and the last beat of the heart, humanity is finally achieved and later it is cast off as surely?

A person is not human based on his ability to perform but upon the reality that he or she has become a recipient of the gift of life, that having been vested with the spark of life which only God can give and has the right to take away, he or she has embarked on the journey of personhood.

Our culture and society today are more focused on denying humanity and personhood than recognizing it. By denying it, we can destroy the remains of stem cell research as we would something left in the refrigerator too long, or, for that matter,  we can do the same with the elderly, the infirm, the child who is born with a rare genetic disorder.

Don’t be misled by terminology which cloaks the reality of what is happening. Issues of life and death are never simple, but when we refuse to recognize when we cross the line, we have embraced the horrors of the Third Reich in deciding who is to live and who is to be cast on the slag heaps of the crematorium. Like it or not, that’s the reality of life today.

Resource reading: Psalm 139:11-18