Dissolving our Double Standards With Mercy

Date: December 21, 2023

The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. Matthew 7:2


Double standards—we all have them. The truth is: it’s remarkably easy to overlook our own hypocrisy.

The boss writes up an employee for wasting time moments before heading to the golf course. Or a parent indulges in chocolate from their secret stash after cautioning their kids about eating too much sugar. We may attempt to justify our double standards, but they often reveal our desire for others to live up to standards we can’t even keep–while asking for flexibility and leniency for ourselves. We yearn for understanding and compassion in our own lives, yet we sometimes give out harshness and criticism to others.

The Bible addresses each of us in the book of Matthew, saying, “The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged” (Matthew 7:2). This applies to our reactions when children make mistakes or when employees face challenges. It doesn’t imply that we should give up on boundaries and standards; they’re necessary for learning and growth. However, even as we set and enforce boundaries, we ask God for help to do so patiently, with respect and kindness.

Jesus tells us that the way we judge others will influence the way God evaluates us. Scripture says that there’s no mercy for those who haven’t shown it! (James 2:13) Take a close look at your life to identify instances when you might misuse your authority, keeping in mind that one day you’ll stand before God and explain yourself (James 2:12). You can look forward to an incredible day if you know that you tried to celebrate mercy and kindness in all your dealings and held yourself to the same standards you held others to!

Make mercy your goal in all things because mercy beats judgment every time (James 2:13).