For the Hurting On Christmas

Date: December 25, 2023

“Our hearts ache, but we always have joy.  We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others.  We own nothing, and yet we have everything…” (2 Corinthians 6:10a NLT)


If your heart aches, it somehow aches more deeply and more profoundly at Christmas.

Despite the glow of candles, stars and twinkling lights, today can be the darkest of the year.  A day when alone becomes lonely, when the reality of life on this earth doesn’t measure up to expectations and the losses of life loom large in the memory.

The Bible doesn’t pretend that life is easy or painless. Paul, an apostle of Jesus admitted, “Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything” (2 Corinthians 6:10).

In his pain, Paul gave. The natural response of the aching heart is to isolate, to focus on self, mull over the misery of it all and the wonderful lives we imagine others living around the Christmas tree. “I don’t have anything to give to anyone this Christmas,” you may think.  And in and of yourself, you may be right.

But if you’re a Jesus-follower, you have “spiritual riches.” You have thousands of God’s promises and the gift of presence to share with someone who’s also hurting. Giving, even in the form of a call or text to say, “I’m sorry for your pain,” as you struggle through your own, is the balm for your aching heart this Christmas.

The Bible explains that God comforts us, not just because He loves us and cares deeply when we suffer, but it says, “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us” (2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT).

Hurting this Christmas? Aching hearts find joy in giving.