Have You Forgotten to Remember?

Date: August 17, 2022

Many will see what you have done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:3b

How quickly can you answer this question:  What was the last answer to prayer in your life?

If it took you a minute to think back to exactly what you prayed about recently and the way God responded, you’re not alone. We humans are incredibly forgetful.

That’s no doubt why God tells us, hundreds of times, to remember what He has done for us!  “Remember what God has done for you.  Let His grace and Mercy comfort you, and remind you of His unfailing love,” Psalm 143 puts it plainly. When we don’t purpose to remember answered prayers, God is not glorified, and we miss out on living with an awareness of His love for us that helps us trust Him. Others miss out too.  Remembering and sharing what God has done encourages others greatly and it’s a powerful introduction to the God of the Bible for those who don’t know Him.

Jesus-followers in the UK understand the power of remembering and sharing answered prayer.  They’re undertaking the creation of the largest database of answered prayers in the world and building a 167-foot-high infinite loop of hope called the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer.  The sculpture will be visible six miles away and will be built of a million bricks inscribed with answers to prayer! (Source: https://www.eternalwall.org.uk)

You can I can keep a notebook of answered prayers on our dining tables.  We can write them on slips of paper and put them into a jar you’ll see every day. More powerfully, we can text a few friends to share answered prayers—especially if they’ve been praying with us. Let’s bring up those answers in conversations with friends.  Yes, let’s remember.