
Date: June 27, 2016

Bible Text: John 3:16 | Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | Self-esteem has been a hot topic for a number of years now. Hundreds of books have been written to help people feel better about themselves. Businesses have spent mega-bucks in an effort to improve the self-esteem of their employees. So, what actually is self-esteem?

My definition is very simple. Ask yourself, “Am I a person of value?” If your answer is yes, you have self-esteem. If your answer is no—if you truly believe you have little value in this world— your life will be a constant struggle. If you’re not sure about your value, then you will ride the roller coaster of thinking you’re fine one day and not so fine the next.

Most women get their sense of self-esteem from one or more of three areas: from their appearance, from their accomplishments, and from their relationships. For instance, if a woman is attractive, has a PhD and is a good wife and mother, it’s assumed that she has good self- esteem. Of course, we all know, that isn’t necessarily true. The problem is that change in each of these areas comes to us all. The years begin to add sags and wrinkles to a model-perfect body. Someone comes along who can do our job better than we can. And even the best of relationships can end.

But when we base our sense of self-esteem on what God thinks about us, the whole picture changes. God has already placed a value on us—the life of His Son, Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). God allowed His Son to be crucified that we might have a relationship with Him. Could anything be better evidence of our value? I don’t think so.

Remember, friend, that God’s evaluation of you will never change. Whenever you feel down on yourself, just say, “God gave His Son for me. If I’m that valuable, nothing else matters.”