Teaching The Next Generation
Just over one hundred years ago a baby girl was welcomed in Saskatchewan, Canada and named Audrey. She grew up on the Canadian prairie, learning at an early age to churn butter and to bake bread in a wood stove.
Audrey was my mother. She was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ as her Savior at special meetings that were held in her town. There she met a young pastor named Guy who began to show an interest in her. The favorite family story is how after spending the evening at her parents’ home he managed to take home one of her shoes—which meant, of course, that he had to return the next day to give back the shoe—a good excuse to see her again. I’m not sure he realized they were her only pair of shoes!
Eventually her family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, where Guy conducted special services in her church. She was asked to play the piano for the meetings—which again brought her to the attention of the young minister. To make a long story short(er), on July 3, 1935, they were married.
I’m so thankful for a Christian mother and grandmother on both sides of my family. What a heritage! Now our three children also love the Lord—and 8 grandchildren are being raised to know Him well.
If you are a parent or your life involves children, take note of these Bible verses and underline them. They’re found in Psalm 78: “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done…which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children” (Psalm 78:4-6).