The Boldest Claim of Jesus

Date: October 9, 2023

The Father and I are one. John 10:30


Google “Who was Jesus?” and you’ll get more than a billion results in just over half a second.

Clearly, there are many opinions about just who Jesus Christ was. Scripture shows that Jesus made many claims about Himself. He hated the misrepresentation of God by the religious leaders of the day and the Bible book of John contains a drama-packed exchange between Jesus and those self-righteous leaders (John 5:16-47).

In the exchange, Jesus began by going all-out, claiming equality with God and calling God, “My Father.” At this, scripture tells, “…the Jewish leaders tried all the harder to find a way to kill him. For he not only broke the Sabbath, he called God his Father, thereby making himself equal with God” (John 5:18). Later in the book of John, Jesus simply says, “The Father and I are one” (John 10:30).

When He came to earth, Jesus kept His God nature and took on human nature. He chose a relationship of utter dependence on God, His Father, to give us a model and show us in ways we can understand, what God is like.

One Bible scholar explains: “The salient truth about Jesus is that in him we see God. If we wish to see how God feels to men, if we wish to see how God reacts to sin, if we wish to see how God regards the human situation, we must look at Jesus. The mind of Jesus is the mind of God; the words of Jesus are the words of God; the actions of Jesus are the actions of God.”[1]

How do you respond to Jesus’s claim to be God?

[1] Barclay, William. “John 5 – Barclay’s Daily Study Bible – Bible Commentaries.” StudyLight.Org, Accessed 4 Sept. 2023.