The Masterful Absurdity Of God

Date: May 12, 2021

Because you say so, I will let down the nets. Luke 5:5

So, imagine you’re a computer technician that fixes computers all day for a living. Sometimes you do everything right and one just won’t do what it should. Your boss walks in and says, “Try it again.” You probably want to respond, “Why don’t you try it!”

Several of Jesus’ followers were professional fisherman. They knew when, where, and how to catch fish. But one morning they came back to shore having caught nothing. Jesus, who was a carpenter by trade, told them to take their boat back out into deep water and let down their nets. This was absurd advice by standard fishing practices.

Peter said, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets” (Luke 5:5).  By saying Master, Peter acknowledged Jesus’ status of authority, and showed that he believed Jesus could make good on His orders.  Peter responds, “Ok, because you say so,” signaling that he was willing to follow an absurd suggestion because of his faith in his master.

When Peter and Luke let down the net again, they caught so many fish that their nets began to break. Even with the help of more men and other boats, their catch threatened to sink them with its weight (Luke 5:6-7). One absurdity was traded for another! So go ahead and try again, with faith. Even if you are not overwhelmed with God’s immediate response, He is the Master and He knows what He’s asking of you.


Resource reading: Luke 5:1-11.