The Powerful Spiritual Practice of Remembering

Date: July 5, 2023

Then the Lord appeared to Abram…And Abram built an altar there and dedicated it to the Lord, who had appeared to him. Genesis 12:7


Sara struggles with depression. There’s no simple fix, but one of her most powerful helps when she’s spiraling, is an old journal.


Sara has a journal in which she’s recorded all the ways God has spoken into or moved powerfully in her life. She updates it regularly and on her dark days, she rereads her story with God.


Throughout the Bible’s Old Testament, God’s people built altars using simple, stacks of rocks, in all the different places where God had interacted significantly with them. Genesis, the first book of the Bible tells, “Then the Lord appeared to Abram…And Abram built an altar there and dedicated it to the Lord” (Genesis 12:7). This physical act of building that monument held spiritual and emotional significance. Throughout his life, Abraham could look back at markers reminding him of God’s promises and faithfulness.


In our busy world, it’s easy to forget what happened yesterday– let alone what God did last week or how He spoke to us in our darkest moment a few years ago. We can forget the power of our story. The Bible says that we overcome through faith in what Jesus has done and our testimony (Revelation 12:11). The story of how God has moved in your life holds living hope.


Remembering God’s work in us is powerful, bringing us to a place of gratitude. The record of God’s touch on your life disproves the lies you’re believing when you feel worthless. Then you can say, “See how God has come through for me! I know He’s faithful.” Remembering God’s touch on your life is also a source of hope for those listening and watching your life.


Remember today how God has spoken, worked in and provided in your life.