When Spiritual Leaders Fail

Date: January 2, 2024

Just because they were unfaithful, does that mean God will be unfaithful? Of course not! Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true. Romans 3:3-4


It’s easy to question God when those who are supposed to represent Him, fail.

Kendra was 15 when she suffered a head injury while playing a game at a church event. The way she remembers it, church leaders didn’t take her injury seriously, and lack of emergency medical care has caused her lifelong repercussions. When Joseph told his youth pastor that his father was hitting him, he was told to show more respect for the role of father, despite the violence. Both had no use for church after that.

Perhaps you’ve been hurt by religious organizations or people. Many of us can relate to having our faith impacted by leaders, for better or worse. In the aftermath of such disappointments, we may reevaluate our faith while rightly questioning the transparency and integrity of leaders.

Your questions are the perfect starting place for conversations with Jesus. He welcomes all with open arms, whether we come hurt, confused, weary, or angry. Finding God in these moments brings us back to simple relationship with God. Our faith should never rest on the words of a human leader. In the wake of disappointments, we’re reminded to place our hope entirely in Jesus, not in the way that people represent Him. Any teaching should be processed in prayer and confirmed through reading the Bible.

If you find yourself questioning God because people have let you down, this passage from the Bible book of Romans is for you. “Just because they were unfaithful, does that mean God will be unfaithful? Of course not! Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true” (Romans 3:3-4). Let God meet you in this time as He reveals His truth. Cling to God even as He exposes those who fail to represent Him.