When the Pressure’s On…Stand and Wait

Date: October 19, 2023

Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do. I Samuel 12:16


The last thing you want to do in an emergency is stand around and wait. But that’s exactly what God told someone in trouble to do.

God is a storyteller and the Bible book of I Samuel gives us a story that’s valuable in today’s bustling world of time pressures. Meet tall and handsome king Saul, who has just rallied the first official army for the nation. They’re on the brink of war, vastly outnumbered and Saul is under tremendous pressure to act. Instead of waiting as God commanded, for the prophet Samuel to arrive, Saul takes matters into his own hands. Saul let himself be driven by fear and panic, so much so that he not only forgot to trust in God, he also disobeyed Him.

God had told Saul earlier, “…stand here and see the great thing [I am] about to do” (I Samuel 12:16). When Samuel, God’s spokesperson arrives he rebukes impatient Saul, saying, “How foolish! You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you. Had you kept it, the Lord would have established your kingdom over Israel forever. But now your kingdom must end, for the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart” (I Samuel 13:13-14).

Maybe you’re under pressure right now to make a big decision. Perhaps it’s moving, choosing a school to attend, accepting a new job, or determining the future of an important relationship. Waiting on God’s voice is the most challenging thing to do when we’re under pressure to act now! Don’t react in fear–respond in faith. Faith means taking the time to hear God’s voice and obey it.

Will you take God at His word and wait for His presence to lead you?