When Your Resilience Crumples

Date: November 21, 2023

My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! Psalm 56:9


Rejected. That’s exactly what Carlo felt after he’d been to 12 job interviews in the last month without one second interview.

They all said, “After careful consideration, we’ve decided to move forward with another candidate.” The first four times, Carlo was determined to be positive. The next five times, he tried to be tough and resilient. But by the 10th rejection, he just felt desperate and discouraged!

We like to think of ourselves as resilient—able to adapt to difficult or challenging life experiences. If we can flex a bit and manage our thoughts and emotions, we don’t have to crumple under the first signs of pressure. But being resilient doesn’t mean we’re invincible. Part of being self-aware is knowing when to reach out for help. We won’t reach out for help if we’re still pretending we’re fine.

God knows we all need help sometimes, and when we do, we have several safe harbors to head toward. The first is to cry out to God and tell Him your needs. Psalm 56:9 says, “My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side!” Like a child running to a father, we can run to God and tell Him everything!

But God also made us to live within a community, learning from and leaning on one another. You can seek support from friends, family, or professionals specializing in the issues you’re facing. Carlo ended up getting help from a recruitment agency that cleaned up his resume. He also cried out to God and had a meal and conversation with a friend.

Turn to God if you need help today. And look around and see the people and resources He’s given you.