In the foothills of the Himalayas many people do not read or write–but that doesn’t need to stop them from hearing of God’s love and learning to follow Him!
Last month we partnered to distribute 25 solar powered audio players loaded with the Bible and Guidelines devotionals in the Nepali language to pastors in Nepal. Because of Nepal’s mountainous terrain, radio doesn’t always reach the communities these pastors shepherd, but now they can play God’s Word and helpful teaching materials in the heart language of the people, over and over again, because of your generosity.
“This area is one of the poorest places in the world and less than 2% Evangelical Christian,” says e3 church planter, Andreas Mehrguth who delivered the devices during a pastoral training seminar. Nepal’s religion is primarily Hindu, with recent strict laws passed that prohibit conversion to Christianity. Eighty percent of the world’s population identify as oral learners, many of whom live in unreached people groups. We’ll be doing more distributions of these devices in the future–your family or group can give 25 devices for $500.