Is Artificial Intelligence the New God?

Date: July 10, 2023

I realized that no one can discover everything God is doing under the sun. Not even the wisest people discover everything, no matter what they claim. Ecclesiastes 8:17


Victor’s wife was touched by the beautiful, personalized poem he gave her for her birthday…that was until she discovered it had been written by AI, or artificial intelligence!


In our pursuit of knowledge and understanding, we’re living with the profound impact of science and technology, most recently in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). While maybe not recommended for love letters, AI is becoming a transformative force, changing the way we live and interact with the world around us. In healthcare, AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data, helping in the early detection of diseases and providing valuable insights for treatment plans.


As we marvel at scientific advancement, it’s essential to approach it with humble hearts that acknowledge God’s sovereignty over all creation. The author of the Bible book of Ecclesiastes is thought to be King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live. He pointed out that “…no one can discover everything God is doing under the sun. Not even the wisest people discover everything, no matter what they claim” (Ecclesiastes 8:17). Even the most astounding discoveries and creations of man are only reflections and revelation of God’s design.


Setting our brains up against God is nothing new. The Apostle Paul writing to a Roman audience explained that, since people “…did not like to retain God in their knowledge…he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done” (Romans 1:28a NKJV, Romans 1:28b NLT). The wisest of man’s wisdom still leads to death.


As we surrender to His sovereignty and align our lives with His will, He invites us to seek knowledge, including scientific knowledge, with humble and reverent hearts.