Your generosity is helping to broadcast Guidelines devotionals in Russian, sharing the hope of Jesus in Russia.
Language Stats
Number of Speakers

138 million in Russia, 258 million total worldwide
Where It's Spoken

Primarily in Russia, also in parts of Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan
Russian – An Overview

Russian is the 8th most commonly spoken language in the world. Outside of Russia, Russian is spoken as a major language throughout Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Western China – places that were governed by the massive former USSR or where governments collaborated with the USSR. Ukraine and Kazakhstan each have millions of Russian speakers, and at least 16 other countries have Russian speakers numbering in the 100s of thousands, each. Russian is the most geographically widespread language in Eurasia, with linguistic roots dating to 1000AD.
Many groups of Russian speakers identify as Russian Orthodox Christians. The Soviet Union operated for 70 years as an atheist government, so many Russians are considered either atheists or non-practicing of their stated religions.
Russian speakers comprise major populations throughout the world and constitute a culturally diverse body of people. In Russia alone, there are over 2,400 radio stations.
Stories of Impact

Alena from Russia says, “Because of your precious broadcasts, I am a Christian now and go to an evangelical church regularly. I formerly practiced witchcraft but God saved me! I began to listen to Guidelines programs when I could not stand it anymore; my life was filled with fear and nightmares. I thank God for salvation, protection and all His blessings that came in my life through your broadcasts. Please pray that I will serve my Savior forever.”
Nikolai from Ukraine says, “The daily portion of God’s Word is something that keeps me hopeful. Politicians are promising us peace, economic growth, and even the right kind of Orthodox Church to follow the right traditions… What I am getting from your broadcasts is real hope, real love and a true, clear Gospel message. It is powerful. Thank you very much for your amazing messages!”
Stories of Impact
I listened to Guidelines online for two months. Since that time, my life has changed. I realize that I cannot live without faith in Jesus; I want my soul to be cleaned. Now I am ready to go to church. Thank you, friends, for your amazing programs that teach us how to receive salvation through Jesus Christ. Thank you for your love for us and your help.
Thank you very much for your broadcasts that I listen to online. Listening to Guidelines programs, I accepted Jesus and began to read the Bible. I did not understand many things in my Bible because I never read it before. Now everything was changed. It is easy to learn the Word of God with you.
Listening to your broadcasts, I repented of my sins and accepted Jesus into my heart! Now I know: if you really believe in Jesus Christ, you receive answers to your questions and life becomes much easier and better. You cannot imagine how happy I am after praying and my soul sings praises to the Lord! Thank you friends, for your amazing programs! Listening to Guidelines, my faith is becoming stronger.